Monday, May 15, 2006

Unfolding the Layers…

The more and more I work on research the more feeling I get that problems have a LAYERS.

There is a ‘covering layer’…a layer which can be easily seen by most people. Problem in this layer could be found very easily. The best way to judge is to give the problem statement to others and ask them to figure out the problems. If you have not found any unique problem that the other could you are very well on the ‘covering layer’.

Behind this layer lies another layer. Let’s call it the “Middle Layer”. With very good “understanding of the problem”, “Vision”, “Intention & motivation”, “Knowledge about the topic”, “EYE for Observation” and “Very good Methodology” you can uncover the middle layer. This layer would lead to lots of other issues which the covering layer missed out. And possibly this will let you related the 'source' or 'problems' together. Most Research which get published work in this layer…

But there is more…I have never reached there but I very strongly feel there is another layer beneath the Middle Layer – the “Core”. The core should uncover the real problem; a design solution here would really solve most issues and take design to the next biggest level – “close to a perfect solution”- though ideally there can not be a 100% accurate solution in design. To uncover this I think you need wisdom, loads of experience and knowledge.

This may sound a little philosophical, its just what I feel. But this is my driving force - 'find the core'.

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