Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Music & Design - WOOW

While being associated with Design for about 7 years now; I’m slowly getting to know a very small part of it. Recently I was going through the Larry Tesler’s presentation on ‘WOW’.

Who is Larry and what is WOW? Good question. Well Larry is currently the VP of Design at Yahoo! One of the founders of Interaction Design.

And ‘WOW’ is the feeling one gets one we see something and says “WOW” :)

Anyways reflecting on the WOWness in design yesterday. One of the most successful designs – both in my architecture and new media design – I have made (which had a ‘some’ WOW) had been made by a lot of PASSION. These are Projects in which I have given my heart out- I have ‘lived’ them.

I have been playing flute for about 10 years for now. And with what ever little experience I have of music; I know when is my music touching others heart. It’s when I’m playing through my ‘heart’. If you can’t play through your heart you will never be able to reach the heart of the audience. If I can't feel my music how will the audience?

I guess the same rule applies to Design. No matter what process you follow; if you are not Passionate about your project. You can NEVER create the WOW. Like music you have to feel it through your heart first and only then can you even ‘think’ of generating the WOW in others.

The reason why Apple iPods or Macs generates WOW is because it’s made with passion (at least I feel the WOW in them). It touches the heart and imagination because it’s made with ‘Heart’.

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