Saturday, December 24, 2005

Split the blog

I have split this blog into 3 sections
one where I' posting my 'Ideas'
the other my Academic works done in NID
the last one is for thoughts / Articles / Reflections (what ever you want to call it)

Please do visit them...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

People’s “map” powered by Folksonomy and Web 2.0

I recently went to Bangalore and I boarded an auto rickshaw as asked the driver to take me to ‘IISc’ (Indian Institute of Sciences); to my amazement he didn’t know the place…Strange?? I thought. Later I boarded another auto with the same result. But (with God’s wishes) I got a gentleman who know the place and told the auto driver to take me to “Tata Institute”…ooooh why didn’t you tell me so replied the auto driver…I know that place…

Well I’m sure this was not the first and the last time I have face this problem and I’m sure neither have you…the local and popular NAMES in a city are sometimes quite different from the OFFICIAL one and some times create a communication problem especially to a new tourist/visitor.

That’s the genesis of the idea… “Why not to build a comprehensive People’s Map”

If we can have…Flickr & Delicious why not a Map where people Tag in place with their popular name. The names can be presented as a Tag cloud…or in hierarchy of popularity…may be presented in a drop down on a right click on the official names presented on an online map like Google Map, MSN Map or Yahoo Map…it can be an application that works on top of these applications…or can be integrated with them.

I guess it would be interesting to know and learn about local or popular names of places in a city…or even city…..bangaluru??or bangalore?