Sunday, November 26, 2006

Why should I break my design???

I have been repeatedly asked not to provide or think about visual designs for the Products that I’m handling and follow the process. These processes break the design into multiple steps as if it’s a manufacturing unit – like an assembly line. I’ll fix one screw; the next person one will fix the other one without knowing why I fixed the first one.

Design is a complete thing. It’s a complete solution to a problem. I don’t think one can segregate it in a process. Working in a team which works together to solve a problem is a different thing; but I don’t understand how can someone who hasn’t worked on the problem before can jump midway and design a solution; without know the whole problem.

Visual design is a critical aspect. On one hand it adds visual pleasure to the page ‘simultaneously’ is also dictates the presentation of the information on the page. One bad visual balance can totally screw up the objective of the page – communication. These are so intricately woven that I don’t think it can be segregated. One needs to understand the importance of visual design – it’s just not about experience. Its power is much beyond it…one should not think about interactions, information and visual separately. They all come together to make sense…

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